about your coach

Victoria Dlensi is a coach, hypnosis practitioner and biologist with experience across multiple medical disciplines in the bio-pharmaceutical arena including neuroscience, immunology, haematology, metabolic endocrinology, fertility, oncology, rare diseases, and genetics. Victoria is the only coach with this combination of experience in German Switzerland.
Her infectious passion and motivational inspiration lures her clients into high performance states. Through her business background, visionary strategies and innovative techniques Victoria brings her clients to tangible new possibilities in any situation. Whilst bringing serenity to those in need, who are drawn to her calming voice.
my personal journey
As a New Code Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner with over 15 years of self-discovery and practice, my journey started in classic code NLP in 2004 during an introduction to for global trainers in the company I was working for. I was fortunate to travel the world training medical doctors and healthcare professionals.
I met Alessandro de Vita Zublena, who became my coach. Somewhere between 2004 to 2007 (our memories are not quite aligned to the exact date) we met. It was then, that New Code NLP began to be a part of my life. The tools I learned, I continue to use today on myself and now my clients. These tools have opened the door to promotions and enabled me to face hard personal and professional challenges with choice.

In 2021, I finally decided to take the certification formally as a New Code NLP Practitioner and Coach with my coaching partners SA (with Alessandro de Vita Zublena and Federica Di Nardi, Lausanne, Switzerland), an authorised certifying organisation of ITCANLP.
Due to a natural curiosity and the close link between the roots of NLP and the renowned hypnotherapist, Milton H. Erickson, I then expanded my horizons with the London Hypnosis Academy in 2022. A skill I discovered recently, but that in Alessandro’s words, he was “well aware of for years” before I became conscious of it.
The techniques in New Code NLP and hypnosis enable us to work with the unconscious mind to enable deep change, by enabling clients to change their state and face any context or situation where they need more choice.
What drives me? Seeing and hearing my clients rejoicing in their amazement at the results. There is no greater satisfaction than helping others to have choice where they thought they had none and seeing their light shine brighter.
Important Note: There are many coaches today with “NLP” practitioner and coach as a part of their credentials. Not all the techniques are considered to be NLP (either classic code or New Code) and not all have the same training. If you have questions about NLP credentials, we are happy to help. Hypnosis also suffers a lack of regulation outside the clinical setting. We cannot guarantee the quality of New Code NLP Coaching and Hypnosis practitioners outside of our organisation and associated partners.
ITCANLP the official NLP Accrediting Body and Membership Association established by John Grinder, (Co-Creator of Classic and New Code NLP) Carmen Bostic St Clair, Co-Creator of New Code NLP) and Michael Carroll (Co-Developer of New Code NLP).